This is my full review of the Family Survival System by Frank Mitchell. I want to show you exactly what you get inside the program and tell you the pros and cons before you spend your hard earned money. That way, you can decide for yourself if it is something that can help you prepare for the future and protect your family in these scary times.
Introduction: Why Prepping?
Since the 1930’s writers have been giving advice to preppers or ‘would be’ preppers, who were formerly known as survivalists.
Over the years the emergencies and disasters that preppers have been made aware of have changed, mainly because of changes in social or political factors. Due to these changes, preparing to be self-sufficient in the event of a crisis or disaster – and all that goes with this -has also changed drastically over the decades.
So, this is one very good reason to take a look at the ‘Family Survival System’ by Frank Mitchell, for up to date, relevant information on how to be prepared in today’s rapidly changing and uncertain world.
The ‘Family Survival System’ is a practical guide for dealing with and being prepared for situations beyond your control.
- Natural events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flash floods, mudslides, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, geomagnetic storms… to name but a few. These affect millions of Americans every year, and cost billions of dollars
- Acts of terrorism, which as we all know are on the increase. Outright war in the US is unlikely, but this is made up for by the constant rise of extremist terrorists
- Social and political threats, and infringement by government. The federal government is far larger and more powerful than ever envisioned by the Founding Fathers, and has proved that they will go to ANY lengths to protect their power
About The Creator of Family Survival System
Frank Mitchell is very well qualified to share his knowledge with you in this guide. He is a family man, a member of the US Armed Forces and a survival expert with in excess of 60 Federal Emergency Agency certifications.
He has written the ‘Family Survival System’ with families in mind. However, most of the information contained in this guide is applicable to individuals as well – after all it is up to everyone to be prepared and confident that they are able to look after themselves.
If (when) a disaster happens, man made or natural, there will be a period of chaos and Frank Mitchell is sharing his experience with you so you and your family will be prepared to survive it.
About The Family Survival System Product
Being prepared is everything. And the ‘Family Survival System’ is clearly written and easy to understand guide that is designed to help you prepare for any disaster the future holds, whether man made or natural.
Many of the sections include check lists detailing what you need to do to be prepared for a crisis or disaster. Some of the sections include lists of pros and cons, which you may not have considered, to help with making important decisions for you, your family and lifestyle.
The guide covers many important survival topics rather than dealing with only one in detail, and nearly all of the guide is applicable to everyone, not just families.
Here is the full list of the contents included in the ‘Family Survival System’
As you can see, Frank Mitchell has produced a pretty comprehensive survival guide.
Let’s take a look at the main points covered here.
Family Survival System: What’s It About?
As the name ‘Family Survival System’ implies, this system has been designed primarily with families in mind. Families come in a variety of shapes, ages and sizes. So one of the first things Frank does is too identify the make up of your family, and explain how will affect how you need to prepare.
Specifically, it also covers how to prepare if you are in the situation where you have a very young, elderly or ill member of your family. If this affects your family, knowing how to properly prepare could literally make the difference between life and death.
Frank then identifies what he calls ‘The Prepper Triangle’. The three sides of this triangle are Skills, Knowledge and Gear and these are the fundamental concepts of prepping that will keep you alive, and even thriving, through even the worst disaster.
Do you know how to purify water, start a fire or control bleeding with a tourniquet? These are the top three skills you need to know. Without these skills you are not prepared to look after your family’s survival. The ‘Family Survival System’ deals with each of these skills in great detail, explaining why you need them, AND step by step instructions on how to do all 3.
As well as the detailed information about vital skills, Frank also provides an important checklist of ten more areas you need to learn about. This comes under ‘Knowledge’.
No one can be expected to have every skill needed in an emergency, but the next best thing is to have the knowledge required to deal with a situation when it arises – and this list of 10 is the perfect starting point. He also provides information of exactly where to access the knowledge to achieve these skills.
For example, in the event of a disaster, would you know where to go?
As the ‘Family Survival System’ says, “find out!”
Next is Gear. Frank stresses the importance of investing in the correct survival gear – though does point out that skills and knowledge are WAY more important.
With the right knowledge you can always improvise new tools, but without knowledge even the best gear will be useless to you in a survival situation.
So the first 2 parts of the ‘Triangle’ cover the skills and knowledge, and this part covers the 5 most important pieces of survival gear you will need as a prepper.
One important point: everyday gear is NOT the same as prepper’s gear.
For example, unsurprisingly one of the 5 essentials is a First Aid Kit. Now most of us have a first aid kit of some kind at home, (probably in an old biscuit tin!) containing sticking plasters, antiseptic cream and aspirin. Think you can use this?
This guide will make you think again. The ‘Family Survival System’ will teach you how to put together a comprehensive medical kit, equivalent to what you would get at any walk-in clinic – and truly fit for purpose.
Moving on through the guide…
Food is of course essential. Not only for maintaining a healthy body, but also for morale and uniting the family together. And in a survival situation, this is just as important as physical survival. Survival requires high morale, and food is a massive morale builder
One of the highlights of the day for a close family is the sharing of a meal. This is a very important thing for preppers, especially family preppers.
So, the ‘Family Survival System’ is brilliant for advising you on the food to hoard that will last. It also gives you details of where to find information to cook good, interesting, wholesome food with the food you have stored.
’Bugging In’ and ‘Bugging Out’ are prepper terms for whether to stay put in your own home (‘Bugging In’), or leaving for somewhere you think is going to be more secure (‘Bugging Out’). The ‘Family Survival System’ goes in depth into the pros and cons of both of these options, illustrating how this is down to your own family’s circumstances.
However, this needs to be thought about and decided before a disaster or crisis occurs, so preparations can be made. And have you considered what you would do and how you would cope if you were at work when something happened?
This ties in with the later section about prepper planning – how to make a plan, and even more important how to stick to the plan in the event of an emergency.
Before this, there is a great section about Home Defense for the prepper family. As Frank points out, disasters tend to bring out the best—and worst—in humanity. When law enforcement officers are busy dealing with a disaster situation, criminals WILL step into the void and you need to be prepared.
Wherever you have decided to keep your family safe and secure, it will need to be defended until you have ridden out the disaster. There are three main ways of doing this and these are described in the ‘Family Survival System’. Pushing a dresser against the door is not going to do the trick – you need advice from a professional.
So, where would you start with all of this? You have to have a plan which will involve all the family. The ‘Family Survival System’ will explain how to get your family on board and how to start prepping.
The beginning of any journey starts with the first step and before you know it you are getting somewhere, if you have someone like Frank Mitchell to point you in the right direction.
The ‘Family Survival System’ is for you if:
- You want to get started prepping and want a guide that is easy to understand and covers all the vital survival topics
- You want training from a true expert that gets straight to the point – no frills, no filler, just straight actionable information
- You want really good value for money – it even comes with a full money back guarantee
The ‘Family Survival System’ is NOT for you if:
- You want a ‘real’ book. This is only available to download as a PDF (though you can print out a hard copy)
- You want in depth detail on one particular aspect of preparing for a crisis or disaster. FSS covers all you need to know, but there are other more suitable guides out there that hone in on specifics if that’s what you’re after
- If you want face to face personal survival training and have the cash to spend on this (starts around $500 per day), then you need to sign up for a survival camp
Should You Get It?
Are you worried about what the future holds? Do you want to do everything possible to protect your family? Do you want an easy to follow system that you can follow without over-thinking things?
If the answer is yes to these questions, then the answer is yes again – “Yes! You should get the Family Survival System.”
Thinking about tor the amount of information included, and the importance of this information to you and your family’s survival, the product is incredibly cheap. It also has a 60-day money back guarantee.
That’s more than 8 weeks to try it out. You can DEFINITELY use the information in this guide to get visible results within 8 weeks, to prepare for what’s ahead for you and your family… and if you don’t, you can always just ask for a refund.
Because this is sold through Clickbank, you’re guaranteed to get your money back if you ask. It makes it a complete no brainer.
So do give this program a try, and apply it. Application is everything.
Learn what you need to, get the right skills, tools and stockpile and you’ll sleep easier in your bed at night… and THAT is what makes this program worth every cent.
If you’re serious about keeping you and your family safe, then do click the link below to check this out
Family Survival System
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